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Global Change Center logo

Global Change Center logo

With financial support from the Virginia Tech Graduate School and the Fralin Life Sciences Institute, the Global Change Center aims to support graduate students who engage in interdisciplinary research and problem-solving to address today’s pressing societal and environmental challenges. The Global Change Center, in coordination with the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, also helps to administer funds for a NIH T32 Predoctoral Training Grant. 


As of Spring 2024, the GCC has provided $2.8 million of Fellowship funding for 68 PhD students at Virginia Tech.


In the 2024-25 academic year, the Global Change Center will help to administer seven fellowships, across three focal areas:





  • Home Item
    Diversity Fellowships
    Diversity Fellowships , home

    Because environmental problems must be solved in collaboration with the communities most affected by global changes, we seek to attract the next generation of leaders from these groups to Virginia Tech.

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    Global Change Fellowships
    Global Change Fellowships , home

    With support from the Virginia Tech Graduate School, the Interfaces of Global Change IGEP awards four 9-month Ph.D. assistantships every academic year, intended to support students who have demonstrated commitment to and engagement within the IGC program.

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    Rural Environmental Health T32 Training Program
    Rural Environmental Health T32 Training Program , home

    The Rural Environmental Health (REH) T32 predoctoral training program at Virginia Tech provides Ph.D. students with training in environmental health sciences, with a focus on applications in rural landscapes.