The Global Change Center differentiates Virginia Tech from our academic peer institutions and has helped recruit dozens of top faculty and Ph.D. students to Virginia Tech from around the world.
By fostering a campus-wide community and the development of new research teams from diverse disciplines, the Center has helped faculty increase their external research funding by nearly $174 million USD across 384 new awards since its founding in 2015. Collaborative research, initiatives, and trainees supported by the Center have resulted in 1,138 peer reviewed publications since 2015.
With research expertise spanning diverse disciplines, our faculty and students strive to translate our research into tangible benefits and solutions such as improved access to clean water, control of invasive species, recovery of endangered wildlife, accurate communication of the best available science to the public, and improvements to policies that benefit both society and the environment.
Each year, the GCC, with funding from FLSI & ISCE, accepts proposals from GCC faculty to support collaborative research that will lead to proposals submitted to extramural funding sources.
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The GCC supports faculty-motivated and faculty-led working groups to promote synergies among Virginia Tech faculty that advance our land grant mission.
The GCC Early Career Synergy Grants program is a strategic initiative that combines our efforts to foster novel collaborations between faculty research programs with our desire to promote the development of early career researchers in our community.