Dr. Chenyang Bi

Postdoctoral Associate
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Gabriel Isaacman-VanWertz
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Google Scholar • Website • CV
In 2023 Dr. Bi started a position as a Senior Scientist at Aerodyne Research Inc.
Dr. Chenyang Bi was a postdoctoral associate in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Virginia Tech. He received his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering and master’s degree in Environmental and Water Resources Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. He received his bachelor’s degree in Water Supply and Wastewater Engineering from Tongji University.
His research applies cutting-edge measurement techniques to understand the whole lifecycle of indoor- oriented semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) from their source-scale emission in indoor environments, room-scale transport, and building-scale mass transfer between indoor and outdoor environments, to their global-scale oxidation and deposition in the atmosphere, ultimately to their human exposure assessment. He is further interested in developing a system-of-systems based decision- support methodology to manage SVOC-related risks within the nexus of air quality, human health, energy, and climate change.
The big-picture goal of Dr. Bi’s research is to minimize trade-offs and increase synergies between multiple sustainable development goals across building and urban scales including improved air quality, enhanced human health, reduced energy consumption, and increased climate resilience. He aims to use improved air measurement techniques to characterize the emission of SVOCs in indoor environments and assess the impacts of indoor emission on human health and urban environments. His specific research goals are to:
1) design and develop novel techniques for low-cost and autonomous measurements of airborne organic compounds
2) measure and model the transport and chemical degradation of SVOCs as they are emitted indoors, move throughout indoor space, and ultimately impact outdoor environments
3) assess sustainability across building and urban scales using a system-of-systems modeling and software framework.
Beyond research, Dr. Bi enjoys photography, singing, and playing the piano.
Last updated 1/10/2024.