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Dr. Fernanda Silva


POSTDOCTORAL NETWORK  |   Global Change Center

Postdoctoral Portrait

Faculty Mentor:  Dr. Leandro Castello

Department of Fish & Wildlife Conservation

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Throughout her career, Dr. Silva has worked to understand and mitigate anthropogenic impacts such hydropower dams, mining, and overfishing on freshwater fish. Currently, she is primarily studying fish movement, leading projects that examine how freshwater fish behave under different spatial and temporal scales. Dr. Silva current research focuses on the ecology and conservation of pirarucu, or giant arapaima (Arapaima spp), a fish that is increasingly managed by riverine communities of the Central Amazon. The research will propose a model of pirarucu movement based on hydrological connectivity, using a broad array of biotelemetry methods (acoustics, radio, and GPS), remote-sensing and spatial analysis. 


Last updated 3/29/2024.
