Dr. Nathan Thayer

Postdoctoral Associate
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Ashley Dayer
Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Nathan Thayer is a Human Geographer working in the Department of Fish and WIldlife Conservation on a project focused on increasing diversity and a sense of belonging in scientific societies. Nathan received his Masters and doctorate from the University of Delaware in 2023. His doctoral research drew on antiracist and feminist geographic thought to probe the ways that caring relations work within contemporary antiracist struggle. Specifically, Nathan’s doctoral work looked at caring relations and processes to: unsettle normative framings of care as a transformative good through an investigation of the diverse ways in which white supremacy is maintained through caring relations; link caring and uncaring practices to DEI work in higher education; and, productively link care and discomfort in pedagogical approaches to antiracist teaching. Broadly, Nathan’s research interests center on the diverse ways that care and care ethics inform and support (or not) efforts to build more livable, equitable, and just worlds.
In the Dayer Lab at Virginia Tech Nathan is working on an NSF funded project aimed at supporting diversity and increasing belonging in ornithological societies through the development of a co-creation process for affinity groups. Using focus groups, Nathan and his collaborators will highlight the stories and experiences of members of an LGBTQIA+ affinity group currently operating in an ornithological society. Further, using a survey instrument Nathan will describe differences in ornithological society members’ senses of belonging, care, and resilience within their discipline and society. Finally, drawing on the insights gleaned from focus group and survey data, Nathan and his collaborators will work with potential affinity group leaders to develop a co-creation process for building affinity groups in scientific societies.
When Nathan is not working he enjoys hiking with his partner and their dog Mulder. He is a songwriter and is currently building the confidence to perform his music live.