2021 Fall | Global Change VI: Remediating Change - Water, Land & Energy

FALL 2021 | Global Change VI: Remediating Change - Water, Land & Energy
- Sept. 30: “Impacts and Remediation of Disturbed Soils and Landscapes”. Lee Daniels, Prof. of Environmental Soil Science & Director, Powell River Project, VT
- Oct. 7: Freshwater Quality in a Time of Rapid Global Change”. Sally Entrekin, Assoc. Prof, Entomology VT.
- Oct. 14: "Introduction to the Coastal Zone, and why do we need to worry about sea-level rise in Blacksburg?" Robert Weiss, Prof., Geosciences & Director, Center for Coastal Studies, VT.
- Oct. 21: "Slip and Bang. then comes the wave -- small, large, loud and silent tsunamis". Robert Weiss, Prof., Geosciences & Director, Center for Coastal Studies, Virginia Tech.
- Oct. 28: "The Transition to Clean Energy is Happening!! (But maybe not fast enough)". John Randolph, Prof. Emeritus, Urban Affairs & Planning, VT
- Nov. 4: “Fuel Cell Technology: Recent Developments in the pursuit of alternate green energy systems “. Don Mullins, Prof. Emeritus, Entomology, VT.
Abstracts for sessions led by GCC Faculty Affiliates:
Freshwater Quality in a Time of Rapid Global Change
Led by Sally Entrekin.
Freshwater quantity, quality, and biodiversity are changing in our rapidly changing world. We will review foundational information on identifying critical changes and associated case studies that have gained international recognition—for example, the role of hydraulic fracturing in altering landscape, freshwater, and local economies.