Dr. Paul Angermeier
FACULTY AFFILIATE | Global Change Center
Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Google Scholar • Dept Page
(540) 231-4501 • biota@vt.edu

Dr. Angermeier’s research program at Virginia Tech focuses on the ecology and conservation of aquatic ecosystems, with emphasis on streams and fishes. In relation to global change, Dr. Angermeier studies how ecosystems, the fauna they support, and the services they provide to society respond to anthropogenic disturbances. His interests span responses of fish populations and communities, ecological processes, and the human-ecosystem interface. Most of his research is aimed at informing ecosystem managers and landscape planners on how to minimize or mitigate negative anthropogenic impacts to valued natural resources and how to manage them sustainably. Dr. Angermeier has co-taught undergraduate courses in Stream Habitat Management, Freshwater Biomonitoring, and Fish Ecology. At the graduate level, he has co-taught Watershed Restoration, Constructing Sustainability, and Biodiversity Conservation and Environmental Sustainability.
Dr. Angermeier is a Research Scientist with the US Geological Survey’s Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and a Professor in the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation at Virginia Tech. He has served on the editorial boards of three journals and on several national, regional, and state scientific advisory boards related to aquatic ecology and conservation issues. Dr. Angermeier has published more than 105 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters.