Dr. Esra Buyuktahtakin Toy
FACULTY AFFILIATE | Global Change Center
Industrial and Systems Engineering
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Dr. Büyüktahtakιn Toy’s research focuses on advancing the state-of-the-art in multi-stage stochastic combinatorial optimization with a mix of theory and algorithms. Her recent research investigates deep machine learning and supervised learning algorithms to predict optimal solutions to mixed-integer programs.
Dr. Büyüktahtakιn Toy is a national leader in epidemic disease modeling and logistics optimization to tackle epidemic diseases in healthcare, agriculture, and forestry. Examples of applications include infectious diseases that ravage the human body, such as COVID-19, Ebola virus disease (EVD), and HIV, and invasive species that create havoc on forests, such as the emerald ash borer (EAB) in North America and Canada, Sericea Lespedeza damaging agricultural products in the Great Plains, Zebra Mussels harming native species in Great Lakes, and flammable buffelgrass in the Sonoran Desert.
Dr. Esra Büyüktahtakιn Toy is an Associate Professor in the Grado Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Virginia Tech. She worked at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT), Wichita State University (WSU), and the University of Arizona (UA) before joining Virginia Tech.