Dr. Stacy B. Endriss
FACULTY AFFILIATE | Global Change Center
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The Endriss lab takes an eco-evolutionary perspective to investigate the impacts of invasive species, especially the impacts of invasive plants and invasive plant management. We advance this research through complementary approaches that move from fine-tuned control over experimental variables to biological realism using laboratory model systems, common garden experiments, and large-scale observational field surveys that span multiple decades and continents.
In general, our research takes place at the intersection of applied and basic science. We focus on conducting research with direct benefit to pressing management challenges, while also recognizing that plant invasions present unique, replicated opportunities to test basic theory about how different selective pressures can drive different evolutionary trajectories between a plant’s native and introduced ranges. To this end, we strive to coproduce research with practitioners and land managers on topics that they themselves identify as high priorities, with the aim of continuing to work towards making management more effective and ethical overall.