Dr. Edward Fox
FACULTY AFFILIATE | Global Change Center
Computer Science
Lab Website • Google Scholar • Dept Page
(540) 231-5113 • fox@vt.edu

Dr. Edward Fox focuses on “information”, with expertise that extends to data and artificial intelligence, encompassing machine learning, computational linguistics, and natural language processing. He built his first search engine in 1980, and has held international leadership positions regarding information retrieval and digital libraries. He works with different data types including: documents, text, multimedia (esp. images but also fingerprints), hypertext/hypermedia/WWW, etc. His interests span from theory to algorithms to systems to (IRB approved) experiments with users/communities.
In collaboration with University Libraries, Dr. Fox works on initiatives that might be helpful to those in GCC who require processing of and access to very large datasets, leverage large big data stores and the latest DevOps practices involving containers, Kubernetes, and CI/CD. Dr. Fox is interested in helping those studying global change to collect and archive webpages and tweets of interest, and to assist with their analysis and exploration (search, browse, visualize). This also could lead to specialty portals on key issues and threats.