Dr. Julia Gohlke
FACULTY AFFILIATE | Global Change Center
Population Health Sciences
Lab Website • Google Scholar • Dept Page
(540) 231-7880 • jgohlke@vt.edu

Dr. Gohlke’s research focuses on the human health implications of global change. She utilizes spatial epidemiology and toxicology approaches to characterize environmental factors and their association with health outcomes.
Gohlke heads the Gohlke Reserach Group which works to examin human health outcomes associated with large-scale environmental changes across urban and rural landscapes, particularly as it relates to climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies. They collaborate with earth scientists, environmental engineers, geographers, computer scientists, and statisticians.
Dr. Gohlke is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Population Health Sciences at Virginia Tech and is Co-Director of the Rural Environmental Health (REH) T32 predoctoral training program at Virginia Tech which provides Ph.D. students with training in environmental health sciences, with a focus on applications in rural landscapes.