Dr. Holly Kindsvater
FACULTY AFFILIATE | Global Change Center
Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Lab Website • Google Scholar • Dept Page
(540) 231-8938 • hkindsvater@vt.edu

Dr. Kindsvater’s research applies the science of evolutionary ecology to conservation and management of fisheries. She studies the evolution of fish species with complex life histories using demographic models to understand how biological differences interact with fishing, including fishing intensity and gear type. This information is critical for managing species sustainably and identifying threatened species.
Holly Kindsvater and her lab study basic and applied questions in marine and freshwater systems. Research projects address global challenges such as the effects of high seas fisheries on shark and ray populations. They are also initiating local projects, including the effects of climate and landscape change on Appalachian salamanders. Most of her research is on improving assessments of population health by using knowledge of the evolution of ectotherm life histories, including growth and reproductive behavior.