Dr. Landon Marston
FACULTY AFFILIATE | Global Change Center
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Lab Website • Google Scholar • Dept Page
(540) 231-9023 • lmarston@vt.edu

Dr. Marston is a faculty member in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering whose research aims to provide new understanding and solutions for sustainable and resilient water resources management. His research group draws on approaches from multiple disciplines to evaluate complex human-water systems, ranging from local to global scales. In a rapidly changing world, Dr. Marston’s research group is dedicated to understanding how changes in climate, policy, regulations, and water rights propagate through human-water systems to inform decision-making and policy.
Dr. Marston’s research is guided by the following societally and scientifically important questions: How is water used within the economy and what are the environmental and societal implications of these water uses? How do interconnected hydrologic, economic, and infrastructure systems meet societal water demands? How resilient are these systems to climate change and infrastructure failure? How do changes in policy, regulations, and water rights propagate through human-water systems and what are the implications for society and environmental sustainability?