Dr. Wendy Parker
FACULTY AFFILIATE | Global Change Center
Lab Website • Google Scholar • Dept Page
(540) 231-4564 • wendyparker@vt.edu

Dr. Wendy Parker joined Virginia Tech as a professor of philosophy in August 2020. Her research is in the area of the philosophy of science, with a focus on issues in climate science and meteorology. She is interested in how scientists have developed evidence that global climate change is occurring and is anthropogenic and, especially, in the role of computational modeling in this regard. More broadly, she is interested in how evidence for scientific claims is obtained and evaluated.
At a previous university, she helped to lead an interdisciplinary Environmental Studies program and also served on the university President’s Advisory Council on Sustainability Planning. Before that, she spent a year working as a Congressional Science Fellow on the staff of the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.
Dr. Parker welcome opportunities for research collaborations with faculty working in climate science, meteorology and other environment-related sciences.