Dr. Scott Salom
FACULTY AFFILIATE | Global Change Center
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(540) 231-2794 • salom@vt.edu

Dr. Salom is a Professor in the Department of Entomology at Virginia Tech, where he also serves as the Graduate Student Director. Additionally, he has a courtesy appointment in the Department of Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation. His research program covers the broad areas of forest entomology and biological control. In relation to global change, Dr. Salom works with non-native invasive insect and weed pests of forest ecosystems. He studies the biological systems and applies that knowledge toward developing tactics and strategies for management of these pests. The focus is on use of natural enemies (insects and pathogens) that are specific to the pests in their native habitat.
Dr. Salom has been working on the biological control of hemlock woolly adelgid, tree-of-heaven, emerald ash borer, and most recently spotted lanternfly. With a USDA, APHIS certified Beneficial Insects Quarantine Laboratory at Price’s Fork Research Station, he has been able to study natural enemies of these pests and assess their suitability as potential biological control agents prior to their release.