Dr. Todd Schenk
FACULTY AFFILIATE | Global Change Center
School of Public and International Affairs
Google Scholar • Dept Page
(540) 231-1803 • tschenk@vt.edu

Dr. Todd Schenk is an Associate Professor in the Urban Affairs and Planning Program of the School of Public and International Affairs at Virginia Tech. He is also the Program Director of the Science, Technology & Engineering in Policy Program (STEP). He has extensive research and consulting experience working on environmental policy and planning, and collaborative governance issues in North America, Europe, Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
Dr. Schenk’s research interests are collaborative governance at the science-policy interface, serious games for action research, wicked sustainability challenges, and civil discourse to build empathy and understanding.
Dr. Schenk received both a Ph.D. in Public Policy and Planning and a Master in City Planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and a Bachelor’s degree in Geography from the University of Guelph. He served as the Assistant Director of the MIT Science Impact Collaborative, and held a research fellowship with the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School. Dr. Schenk has also held positions with the Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe and the Consensus Building Institute.