Dr. Stephen Schoenholtz
FACULTY AFFILIATE | Global Change Center
Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation
Lab Website • Google Scholar • Dept Page
(540) 231-0711 • schoenhs@vt.edu

Dr. Schoenholtz is a professor of forest hydrology and soils and the director of the Virginia Water Resources Research Center, a state and federally-funded research center. The mission of the Water Center is to provide research and educational opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students interested in water resources, to promote interdisciplinary research on practical solutions to water-resources challenges, and to facilitate timely transfer of water-science information to citizens, government leaders, and water specialists. Dr. Schoenholtz has taught numerous undergraduate and graduate courses, ranging from wetland ecology and management to silviculture.
He has an active research program at Virginia Tech focusing on interactions between land management and water and soil resources. In relation to global change, he studies the effects of energy-extraction systems (e.g. coal mining and cellulosic biofuel production) on hydrology, water quality, and biodiversity. He also studies effects of managed forests on soil carbon storage.