Dr. Durelle Scott
FACULTY AFFILIATE | Global Change Center
Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Lab Website • Google Scholar • Dept Page
(540) 231-2449 • dscott@vt.edu

Dr. Scott’s research program at Virginia Tech focuses on water quality throughout river corridors, from small headwater streams in Appalachia to large riverine floodplains in the southeast. His research combines hydrology and biogeochemistry to increase our fundamental understanding of material fate and transport into and within river corridors.
Current interests include (1) quantifying changes to land-water delivery of water and nutrients in response to external perturbations (climate, land-use change), (2) the influence river-floodplain connectivity on water quality, (3) the cumulative role of impoundments on ecosystem services, (4) novel approaches for stream restoration, and (5) coastal water quality. The goal of this work is to produce tangible results that land managers, policy makers, and other researchers can use for a sustainable future.