Dr. Chung-Yi Lin

Postdoctoral Researcher
Faculty Mentor: Dr. Landon Marston
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
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Dr. Lin is now a postdoctoral fellow at Cornell University.
Dr. Chung-Yi Lin completed his doctoral research at Lehigh University then became a postdoctoral associate at Virginia Tech Landon Marston’s research group where his research focused on water resources management in complex adaptive water systems. In addition, Dr. Lin also contributes to several open- source software developments (e.g., HydroCNHS).
Some themes in his work include 1) coupled natural-human system modeling and software development, 2) uncertainty analysis of agent-based modeling, 3) compounding effects of natural hazards and cyber- physical attacks on urban flooding, and 4) climate risk assessment in the water-food nexus.
Dr. Lin is particularly interested in studying the sustainable management of complex adaptive water systems to meet natural needs and human demands through planning under the compounding risks involving natural and human factors. Research questions he asks include 1) What are the co-evolution mechanisms and drivers between natural and human systems? 2) How do we quantify the compounding risks of natural hazards and cyber-physical attacks beyond traditional boundaries (e.g., watershed)? and 3) What are the risk propagation pathways and mechanisms in the supply chain and the interconnected critical infrastructure networks? He mainly uses numerical modeling, data analysis, and survey to answer these questions.
Last updated 10/31/2024.