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Interfaces of Global Change Curriculum Committee  |   Global Change Center

Initiated in the fall of 2018, the Interfaces of Global Change Curriculum Committee (IG3C) is the primary entity responsible for visioning, oversight, and implementation of the IGC IGEP curriculum

Primary duties entail visioning, planning, and delivering of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd seminar courses and providing guidance for the capstone experience. These duties include ensuring continuity of existing high-quality graduate programming, as well as ideation and visioning to meet the evolving programmatic needs of the growing, diverse IGC IGEP student population.

Senior Faculty Fellow

IG3C Cohort Chair 

  • General Item
    Dr. Brian Badgley
    Dr. Brian Badgley

    Associate Professor | School of Plant and Environmental Sciences

IG3C Cohort Chair 


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    Dr. Kelly Cobourn
    Dr. Kelly Cobourn

    Associate Professor | Forest Resources & Environmental Conservation

  • General Item
     Bailey Howell
    Bailey Howell

    Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Urban evolution, phylogenetic comparative methods, macroevolution, trait adaptation

  • General Item
    Emma Hultin
    Emma Hultin

    Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Freshwater ecosystems, population dynamics modeling