IGC FELLOWS | Global Change Center
Ph.D. Fellows have joined our program from 12 countries and dozens of disciplines, and are currently solving problems on every continent.
Meet our current Fellows below!
General ItemMona Abadian
Ph.D. Student | Sustainable Biomaterials | Circular Economy, sustainable transformation strategies, socio-economic systems
General ItemMary Opeyemi Adebote
Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Fisheries conservation and management, the impact of climate change on aquatic ecosystems
General ItemPrashasti Agarwal
Ph.D. Candidate | Plant and Environmental Sciences | Agroecology, sustainable agriculture, plant-microbe-soil interactions
General ItemMeghan Albritton
Ph.D. Student | Geography | Human and environmental health impacts of extractivism, health geography, global health, participatory mapping
General ItemCamilo Alfonso
Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Behavioral endocrinology, ecophysiology, tropical ecology, ornithology
General ItemAtif Ali
Ph.D. Student | Sustainable Biomaterials | Circular economy, sustainable consumption & production, climate change, sustainable energy systems
General ItemNicholas Bone
Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Trait adaptation, phylogenetic comparative methods, and macroevolutionary dynamics
General ItemGabriel Borba
Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | The impacts of climate change, habitat loss and overfishing
General ItemReilly Brennan
Ph.D. Student | Entomology | Landscape ecology, disease ecology
General ItemThomas Bustamante
Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Freshwater ecology, life history, animal behavior, response to anthropogenic habitat change
General ItemMariana Castaneda-Guzman
Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Data analytics, remote sensing, ecological niche modeling, climate change, biodiversity conservation
General ItemJordan Coscia
Ph.D. Candidate | Plant and Environmental Sciences | Grassland ecology, community ecology, ecological restoration, botany
General ItemErin Crone
Ph.D. Student | Biological Sciences | Biodiversity, Climate Change, Species Vulnerability, Conservation Prioritization
General ItemPriscila dos Reis Cunha
Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Socio-ecological systems, natural resource use, indigenous and traditional communities, biodiversity conservation
General ItemOluwaseyi Dasho
Ph.D. Student | Geosciences | Coastal land subsidence; implication for infrastructure and relative sea level rise
General ItemSameer Dhakal
Ph.D. Student | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Human-Water Systems, Water Governance, Socio-Hydrology, and Agent-based modeling
General ItemStephanie Duston
Ph.D. Student | Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation | Soil biogeochemistry; soil organic matter and microbe dynamics; distribution and partitioning of soil organic matter through plant and microbial function
General ItemDominique Edwards
Ph.D. Student | Biological Sciences | Aquatic Ecology, Macrophytes, Greenhouse Gases, Drinking Water Quality
General ItemTaylor Fossett
Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Behavioral ecology, behavioral neurobiology, neuroendocrinology, ecophysiology
General ItemCaetano Franco
Ph.D. Student | Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation | Co-management and community-based management of natural resources; use of common resources; local populations; protected areas
General ItemMegan Gaesser
Ph.D. Student | Biological Sciences | Aquatic toxicology, biogeochemistry; ecosystem, restoration, and urban ecology; emerging contaminants of concern in freshwater systems
General ItemAmir M. Gazar
Ph.D. Student | Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences | Public Health, Environmental Health and Policy Making, Decarbonization, Renewable Energy Systems, Artificial Intelligence
General ItemYing-Xian Goh
Ph.D. Student | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Ecology and evolution of foodborne pathogens and antimicrobial resistance in the environment.
General ItemLuke Goodman
Ph.D. Student | Planning, Governance, and Globalization | Policy innovations, responses, and processes for global challenges, including antimicrobial resistance and the renewable energy transition
General ItemMegan Harris
Ph.D. Student | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Systems of systems modeling, hydrology, software framework, uncertainty, system dynamics, interdependencies
General ItemAmanda Hensley
Ph.D. Student | Translational Biology, Medicine, & Health | Public health implementation science, immunology & infectious disease, health equity for diverse, under-engaged, & rural populations
General ItemNatalie Hermosillo
Ph.D. Student | Geosciences | Biogeochemistry, paleoceanography, environmental health, climate change
General ItemKatie Hoffman
Ph.D. Student | Biological Sciences | Freshwater ecology, phytoplankton, science communication
General ItemKathleen Hohweiler
Ph.D. Student | Biological Systems Engineering | Drinking water quality, contaminants of emerging concern, private drinking water systems, public health
General ItemDexter Howard
Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Limnology, aquatic biogeochemistry, organic carbon cycling, drinking water quality
General ItemBailey Howell
Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Urban evolution, phylogenetic comparative methods, macroevolution, trait adaptation
General ItemEmma Hultin
Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Freshwater ecosystems, population dynamics modeling
General ItemTori Hymel
Ph.D. Student | Urban Affairs and Planning | Human-wildlife conflict; conservation social science, anti-poaching; cross-cultural research
General ItemShariful Islam
Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Infectious disease at the wildlife-human interface
General ItemAbir Jain
Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Species interactions, seed dispersal, global change ecology, restoration, conservation, science communication
General ItemSarah Juster
Ph.D. Candidate | Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation | Agroforestry in refugee settings, social dimensions of tree-based interventions, participatory mapping
General ItemMacy J. Kailing
Ph.D. Student | Biological Sciences | Infectious disease ecology, host-pathogen coevolution, wildlife and ecosystem health, heterogeneity in host susceptibility
General ItemNivedita Priyadarshini Kamaraj
Ph.D. Student | Geosciences | Remote sensing of water quality, eutrophication assessment, detecting phytoplankton community composition, geospatial data analysis
General ItemSadia Afrin Khan
Ph.D. Student | Biological Systems Engineering | Sediment Transport, River Engineering and Hydraulics, Complex River Network Connectivity and Modeling
General ItemCarla López Lloreda
Ph.D. Student | Biological Sciences | Watershed biogeochemistry, greenhouse gasses, carbon cycling, disturbance impacts
General ItemPika M.
Ph.D. Student | Plant and Environmental Sciences | Restoration ecology, fire ecology, endangered species management
General ItemJay Margolis
Ph.D. Student | Biological Sciences | Evolutionary biology, behavior and coloration in birds, the evolution of sexual dimorphism and social signaling
General ItemZach Martin
Ph.D. Candidate | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Stream habitat management, landscape ecology, reproductive biology of fishes, watershed modeling, spatial modeling
General ItemEmily Matthews
Ph.D. Student | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Public health, Environmental health & policy making, environmental modeling, long-range impacts of environmental hazards & interventions
General ItemKatie Mayer
Ph.D. Student | Biological Sciences | Aquatic toxicology, immunology, and ecology; effects of emerging contaminants of concern on freshwater ecosystems
General ItemCasey McLaughlin
Ph.D. Student | Biological Sciences | Ecotoxicology, ecophysiology, neuroendocrinology, ornithology
General ItemZoie McMillian
Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Conservation social science, illegal wildlife trade, herpetology, conservation biology
General ItemNoah McNeill
Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Ornithology, animal behavior, ecology, conservation biology, anthropogenic land use
General ItemElaine Metz
Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Population ecology, landscape ecology, ornithology, conservation
General ItemHarrison Miles
Ph.D. Student | Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation | Invasive Species, Forest Health, Microbial Ecology, Interaction of Culture and Science
General ItemJames Moloney
Ph.D. Student | Biochemistry | Plant and insect interactions, Insect olfaction, Disease vector insect biocontrol
General ItemMegan Moran
Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Wildlife conservation and management, spatial ecology, population genetics
General ItemLeah Novak
Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Impacts of habitat loss and climate change on avian species; the application of science to conservation, management, and public policy
General ItemIdowu Kayode Okeshola
Ph.D. Student | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Fate and transport of contaminants in the environment, sensors for environmental contaminants, climate change, contaminated sites
General ItemGrace O’Malley
Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Bioacoustic monitoring, effects of climate change on freshwater organisms, applied conservation science
General ItemBenedicta Ada Ottairoegbu
Ph.D. Student | Biological Sciences | Plant adaptation to rapid environmental changes.
General ItemMaria Popescu
Ph.D. Student | Biological Sciences | Freshwater Ecology, Phytoplankton and Biogeochemistry, Forecasting, Climate Change
General ItemAnu Rai
Ph.D. Student | Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation | Community-based conservation focusing on underrepresented groups, sustainable conservation, human-nature/wildlife interaction, participatory approaches
General ItemReyhane Rastgoo
Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Quantitative and Qualitative Social Research, Conservation Social Science, Human-wildlife interactions, Human Dimensions of Wildlife
General ItemBridget Re
Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Conservation biology, impact of habitat loss and climate change on endangered species, ornithology
General ItemSara Teemer Richards
Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Disease ecology, behavioral ecology, and microbiology
General ItemBecki Riddle
Ph.D. Student | Planning, Governance & Globalization | Water security, water policy and management, public education and engagement, science communication
General ItemGabrielle Ripa
Ph.D. Student | Plant and Environmental Sciences | Wildlife habitat and management, anthropogenic impacts on native communities
General ItemSergio Sabat-Bonilla
Ph.D. Student | Entomology | Aquatic macroinvertebrates responses to anthropogenic & environmental stressors, functional traits as predictors of environmental change
General ItemNitheshnirmal Sadhasivam
Ph.D. Student | Geosciences | Groundwater resource monitoring using radar remote sensing, poromechanical modelling of groundwater, satellite gravimetry, subsidence monitoring, geohazards, groundwater level prediction.
General ItemCarly Sear
Ph.D. Student | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Drinking water quality, the intersection of environmental & public health, environmental justice, adapting to & mitigating challenges from climate change
General ItemBrendan Shea
Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Marine ecology; predator-prey dynamics; ecological role of sharks and the ecosystem consequences of their removal
General ItemSamuel Silknetter
Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Stream ecology and biodiversity, landscape genetics, traits-based approaches, species interactions
General ItemMeredith Snyder
Ph.D. Student | Biological Sciences | Microbial ecology, soil biogeochemistry, ecosystem science, pyrogenic carbon
General ItemEliza Tarimo
Ph.D. Student | Biological Sciences | Macroevolution, physiological evolution, evolution of thermal adaptations
General ItemEllie Timmins
Ph.D. Student | Biological Sciences | Climate Change, Disease Ecology, Conservation
General ItemHeather Wander
Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Limnology, plankton dynamics, food web interactions, climate change, water quality
General ItemAmber Wendler
Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Behavioral ecology, conservation biology, and ornithology