New Course for Spring 2018: Advanced Soils
October 20, 2017

Dr. Brian Strahm is offering a new, broad-based soils course for those that have had little exposure to the belowground world. If you are interested in…
• terrestrial ecosystem ecology/biogeochemistry
• plant productivity
• water quality/quantity
• global and/or land use change
…but have never had soils…this class is designed for you!
The course will introduce foundational concepts in soil physics, chemistry, biology/ecology, sampling and analysis, genesis and classification, nutrient cycling, and organic matter dynamics. The course is intended to improve your understanding of soil as a critical component of the biophysical world, and soils as highly variable landscape bodies with direct relevance to ecology and management at multiple scales. To help develop this understanding, we will highlight contemporary soil science research and literature along the way.
So, if this sounds like the kind of thing you need, I hope to see you this spring (2018) in:
FREC 5984: Advanced Soils | MWF 10:10 – 11:00 | CRN: 20005