New Global Change Scholars program expands opportunities for undergraduate research
April 1, 2021

In ongoing efforts to foster a diverse, equitable, and inclusive community, the Global Change Center is proud to announce a new partnership with the Multicultural Academic Opportunities Program (MAOP). We have launched the new Global Change Scholars Program, a companion program to MAOP’s Undergraduate Scholars Program. The new partnership provides financial scholarships ($750 – $1,500 per year) to undergraduate students with unmet financial need so that they can participate in undergraduate research with GCC faculty affiliates.
Within the university landscape, economic considerations prevent many students from participating in experiential learning opportunities such as undergraduate research and study abroad programs. These financial barriers to entry are unevenly distributed across society, limiting opportunities for students from lower and middle income families. As a result, many incredibly talented undergraduate students never get exposed to potential career paths in research or the other life skills gained under the mentorship of faculty and graduate students. Unfortunately, these disparities have only gotten worse over the last year due to COVID 19. Importantly, these scholarships are not meant to replace the pay that some students might receive for contributing to faculty research programs. Instead, a Global Change Scholar award is intended to make it possible for students to explore and prioritize research opportunities over other forms of employment often needed to make ends meet.
The Global Change Scholars will be part of a larger community of MAOP students and will engage in professional development workshops and 1:1 mentorship meetings, and be provided with support from the larger MAOP community. They will also engage in GCC and IGC IGEP activities to experience what it is like to be part of a community of innovative scientists from diverse fields. Scholarships will be competitively awarded and renewable each year pending satisfactory academic and research performance, and continued research with GCC faculty affiliates.