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Plastic Pollution Working Group

Beach Clean Up

PLASTIC POLLUTION  |  Global Change Center

The goal of the Plastic Pollution Working Group is to bring together faculty and students from across Virginia Tech, as well as other institutions as a means to facilitate research and education activities that address plastic pollution problems.

Plastic pollution is recognized globally as a pressing environmental crisis. Micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs), small plastic pieces less than 5 mm in dimension, have been detected widely in marine environments, freshwater systems, sediments, soil, sea-ice, and air. The omnipresence of MNPs in these environmental niches has led to well-documented threats to ecosystems and human health, with a recent study reporting the presence of MNPs in human blood and lung tissue.

The extent, complexity, and persistence of plastic pollution makes it a ‘wicked’ environmental challenge with impacts that go far beyond geographical borders. As for any wicked problem, Inter- and transdisciplinary research and education, as well as engagement with stakeholders are required to tackle the plastic pollution issue.



Theme 1: Pollution Reduction

To reduce plastic waste entering the environment by focusing on the circular economy and life cycle of plastic products.


Theme 2: Transport and fate of plastics in the environment

To improve detection and prediction of the spread of plastics within and between environmental compartments.


Theme 3: One Health

To improve understanding and mitigation of the environmental and human health risks associated with plastic pollution with emphasis on 'One Health' approach.


Theme 4: Outreach, engagement, and policy

To engage with the general public, stakeholders, and policy makers to enhance the impact of research and education on plastic pollution.



Hosein Foroutan

Civil and Environmental Engineering


Jennifer Russell

Sustainable Biomaterials

Austin Gray

Biological Sciences


Peter Vikesland

Civil and Environmental Engineering




Hosein Foroutan
