Plastic Pollution Working Group

PLASTIC POLLUTION | Global Change Center
The goal of the Plastic Pollution Working Group is to bring together faculty and students from across Virginia Tech, as well as other institutions as a means to facilitate research and education activities that address plastic pollution problems.
Plastic pollution is recognized globally as a pressing environmental crisis. Micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs), small plastic pieces less than 5 mm in dimension, have been detected widely in marine environments, freshwater systems, sediments, soil, sea-ice, and air. The omnipresence of MNPs in these environmental niches has led to well-documented threats to ecosystems and human health, with a recent study reporting the presence of MNPs in human blood and lung tissue.
The extent, complexity, and persistence of plastic pollution makes it a ‘wicked’ environmental challenge with impacts that go far beyond geographical borders. As for any wicked problem, Inter- and transdisciplinary research and education, as well as engagement with stakeholders are required to tackle the plastic pollution issue.
Theme 1: Pollution Reduction
To reduce plastic waste entering the environment by focusing on the circular economy and life cycle of plastic products.
Theme 2: Transport and fate of plastics in the environment
To improve detection and prediction of the spread of plastics within and between environmental compartments.
Theme 3: One Health
To improve understanding and mitigation of the environmental and human health risks associated with plastic pollution with emphasis on 'One Health' approach.
Theme 4: Outreach, engagement, and policy
To engage with the general public, stakeholders, and policy makers to enhance the impact of research and education on plastic pollution.
Hosein Foroutan