Dr. Gifty Anane-Taabeah
PHD FELLOW GRADUATE | Global Change Center
VT Graduate September 2018, Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Advisor: Dr. Emmanuel Frimpong
Google Scholar • giftya85@vt.edu

Gifty’s interest in research started during her undergraduate studies in Natural Resources Management at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) in Ghana, where she majored in Fisheries and Watershed Management. Since then, her work has focused on the interface between fish and people, and she believes her studies have the potential to conserve fish resources while also providing enough fish for human consumption.
Gifty earned her MS degree in Fisheries Science from Virginia Tech, and her PhD from the College of Natural Resource’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Department, under the advisement of GCC Faculty Affiliate, Dr. Emmanuel Frimpong.
She currently works as a Lecturer at KNUST, and works on the development of “new” species for aquaculture. Her research focuses on developing the African snakehead, Parachanna obscura, for aquaculture in Ghana. She is also collaborating with her advisor, Dr. Emmanuel Frimpong, to identify local strains of the Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus that are adapted to future climate conditions.
Gifty joined the Interfaces of Global Change program as a PhD student in fall 2015, and completed her PhD in the fall of 2018. Her work focused on understanding the threats of climate change to cichlid fish species of commercial importance in Ghana and how to increase the resilience of affected species and populations.