Dr. Chloe Moore
PHD FELLOW GRADUATE | Global Change Center
VT Graduate May 2023, Biological Sciences
Advisor: Dr. Meryl Mims

Chloe Moore successfully defended in April of 2023. She is currently working as a Postdoctoral Fellow for the Arkansas Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, University of Arkansas.
Chloe joined Dr. Mims’s lab as laboratory manager and research technician in fall 2017 and transitioned to PhD student in the lab in fall 2018. Her research interests broadly included investigating the patterns and drivers of biodiversity across spatial and temporal scales and how biodiversity quantification methods can be maximized for conservation and management of understudied or threatened taxa.
Chloe received her B.S. in Wildlife Science from the University of Georgia in 2015. During her time at UGA she studied the effects of land cover and water quality on hellbender presence, as detected using environmental DNA techniques on a collaborative project with the Orianne Society.
Following graduation, Chloe worked for several organizations while exploring the many paths available to biologists, including Brookhaven National Laboratory, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and the National Park Service, working on everything from reintroducing endangered salamanders to their native habitat to monitoring small mammal populations following a solar array installation.
At VT, Chloe investigated the relationships between species richness, life history diversity, and phylogenetic diversity and how these relationships relate to community assembly and biodiversity patterns at the national scale. Examining multiple facets of biodiversity and their relationships can help improve conservation and management of understudied species and highly threatened taxa, such as amphibians. In addition, Chloe is examined the effects of temporal scale on landscape genetic inference in the Arizona treefrog, a species of conservation concern. She believes the IGC helped to enhance her research through interdisciplinary collaborations and learning effective communication techniques to disseminate her research across conservation and management organizations.
Last updated May 2024.