Bridget Re
IGC FELLOW | Global Change Center
Ph.D. Student • Fish and Wildlife Conservation
Advisor : Dr. Elizabeth Hunter
Research Interests: Conservation biology, impact of habitat loss and climate change on endangered species, ornithology • Hunter Lab

Bridget Re is a PhD Student at the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Department at Virginia Tech advised by Dr. Elizabeth Hunter. She is broadly interested in threatened and endangered species conservation and management, and more specifically, interested in understanding how climate change impacts species-habitat relationships.
She received her B.S. from the University of Maine where she conducted an honors thesis assessing overwinter survival of moose calves in relation to site selection to understand the spike in calf mortality. She has held several jobs focused on population level monitoring including monitoring New Hampshire’s breeding Common Loon population on Lake Winnipesaukee and monitoring population metrics for Common and Roseate Tern colonies off the coast of Massachusetts. She received her M.S. from Tufts University in 2022 where she studied bird movement through agroecological systems under varying management regimes.
At Virginia Tech, Bridget’s research focuses on monitoring the breeding population of Saltmarsh Sparrows (Ammospiza caudacuta) on Virginia’s Eastern Shore to understand the effect of sea level rise, marsh migration, and predation on their demography. Bridget is excited to be an Interfaces of Global Change fellow which gives her the opportunity to engage in interdisciplinary research.