Eliza Tarimo
IGC FELLOW | Global Change Center
Ph.D. Student • Biological Sciences
Advisor : Dr. Josef Uyeda
Research Interests: Macroevolution, physiological evolution, evolution of thermal adaptations
delizabeth@vt.edu • Lab Website

Eliza obtained her B.S. in Wildlife Management from Sokoine University of Agriculture in Morogoro, Tanzania. She joined the Uyeda lab in the fall of 2021, where she studies physiological evolution, comparing body temperature evolution in mammals and squamates. Eliza is interested in the evolution of thermal adaptations and tolerance in mammals and reptiles, especially understanding how animals will either adapt or go extinct under climatic change.
After obtaining her PhD Eliza would like to explore opportunities outside academia and is interested in careers in industry or research institutions. She looks forward to making connections in the IGC community and establishing a network she can access throughout her career.