Fall graduate course: Ecosystems and Climate
August 11, 2016

Dr. Quinn Thomas will be teaching ECOSYSTEMS AND CLIMATE, FREC 5204, during fall semester 2016. This is a graduate-level course that explores the interactions between ecosystems and climate. Key focal areas will include:
- Basics of climate science and climate change for graduate students in environmental and ecological sciences
- Concepts for understanding how ecosystems influence climate with focus on greenhouse gas, water, and energy dynamics
- Concepts for understanding how ecosystem dynamics are influenced by climate change
- Applications of the R programing language for simple climate and ecosystem modeling
- Skills in global scale, quantitative thinking
Lecture and laboratory will be combined into a course that flows between lectures, discussions, debates, modeling exercises, and group projects.
Monday and Wednesdays: 9:00 – 9:55 a.m. (Cheatham Hall 218)
Computer Lab: Tuesdays 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. (Cheatham Hall 217)
For more information, please contact Dr. Quinn Thomas (rqthomas@vt.edu)