Sydney Hope receives NSF GROW travel award
June 6, 2017

Sydney Hope, a Ph.D. student in the Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation and a Fellow in the Interfaces of Global Change IGEP, recently received a travel award from the National Science Foundation’s GROW Program (Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide). The GROW Program expands opportunities for graduate students to engage in international research collaboration.
During Spring and Summer 2018, Sydney will travel to the town of Villiers-en-Bois in western France to work with a sponsoring scientist, Dr. Frédéric Angelier, at the Centre d’Etudes Biologiques de Chizé. There, she will conduct two research projects to examine how ambient temperature, clutch size, and urbanization influence parental care behavior and physiology in wild birds.
Sydney was previously awarded a National Science Foundation Research Fellowship (NSF GRFP) and is also an ICTAS Doctoral Scholar. Congratulations on this series of outstanding honors, Sydney!