Summit on Invasive Species was Held on February 10th
February 13, 2023

Virginia Tech’s Global Change Center-affiliated Invasive Species Working Group (ISWG) was recently selected as one of four teams to develop Phase II proposals for the ambitious Destination Area 2.0 call. This represents a significant opportunity to grow the breadth and depth of invasives-related work happening at VT through new faculty hires, additional funding, and greater networking and coordination.
A key step in developing the Phase II proposal is engaging with folks across campus directly or indirectly working on invasives. To this end, the ISWG held a VT Summit on Invasive Species at the University Club at Lane Stadium on February 10th from 1 - 4 pm.
The aims of the Summit were to: (1) bring together faculty currently engaged in or interested in invasive species research to identify new opportunities for collaboration, (2) expand the portfolio of VT researchers whose expertise intersects with invasion science, and (3) explore the possibility of developing a center at VT focused on advancing collaborative action on invasive species.
The Summit was open to grad students, postdocs, faculty, and staff with an interest in invasive species. Attendees ran the spectrum from identifying primarily as invasion researchers to those who dabble in research or management on invasive species or may be interested in engaging in such work in the future. A professional facilitator used a combination of breakout sessions, large-group discussion, and individual exercises to elicit ideas from the group.
If you were unable cannot make the event, but would like to join the VT invasive species email list and/or to provide ideas for a center at VT, please contact director of the ISWG, Jacob Barney.