Welcome Bri Wills, New GCC Program Coordinator!
September 22, 2022
August 22, 2022

We're excited to welcome and introduce Bri Wills, new GCC Program Coordinator, joining the Global Change Center office in mid-September!
Bri grew up in the New River Valley, and then moved to North Carolina to attend Appalachian State University where she obtained her B.S. in Sustainable Development with a concentration in Sustainable Agriculture. Graduating on the tail-end of the great recession, she made the most of the opportunity presented to her and took some time to travel around our great nation. While exploring, Bri worked a variety of seasonal conservation positions for non-profit and governmental agencies as well as for numerous small businesses.
Despite having lived and worked in over six different states, Bri couldn’t resist the pull of the Blue Ridge Mountains and returned to the New River Valley to make Blacksburg home. She's spent the last five years working as a farmer/florist for Stonecrop Farm in Newport, VA. She is also no stranger to Virginia Tech and has worked as an event assistant at the Hahn Horticulture Garden, and most recently providing administrative and project support to LINK + LICENSE + LAUNCH. Bri is excited to join the Global Change Center and provide support to faculty and students.
Welcome, Bri!!