Recap of the 2024 GCC Faculty Retreat
January 30, 2024

The Global Change Center (GCC) held their Faculty Retreat at the Skelton Conference Center at the Inn at Virginia Tech on January 26, 2024. The event proved to be a success, drawing an excellent turnout, and fostering new connections among faculty members.
The agenda for the afternoon was packed with high-level updates on the GCC and IGC, flash talks from new faculty affiliates, and exciting program updates from GCC community members. Notably, this year's retreat incorporated program updates, addressing faculty interests in forming working groups, pursuing federally-funded training grants, and exploring team funding opportunities. Talented faculty members provided updates on their initiatives, offering valuable insights into the associated opportunities and challenges.
The day ended with a social where it was evident that the opportunity to gather in person allowed for meaningful connections to be made. Thank you to everyone who participated, making the retreat a success, and special appreciation goes out to all the speakers for their valuable contributions!