Building community at the 2019 GCC Faculty Retreat
March 4, 2019

The annual GCC Faculty Retreat was held on Friday, March 1, 2019. The event was well attended with around 50 members participating throughout the day!
Our full day faculty retreat is one of the most important events of the year, since it is the one time we come together as a group to reflect upon accomplishments, recalibrate commitment to the GCC mission, identify new collaborations, and strengthen our community.
The focus of this year’s retreat was to build community among the growing group of faculty affiliates.
The day began with a “State of the GCC” overview by GCC Director, Dr. Bill Hopkins. This included updates and success highlights for both the Global Change Center and the Interfaces of Global Change program.
Five seed grant teams reported on their recent progress, and two working groups (aka. Creative Collisions groups) invasive species and microbiome, also shared their accomplishments and future goals.
The remainder of the afternoon featured research “flash talks” from 14 of the newer faculty affiliates. This was a great way for new affiliates to introduce their research focus as it relates to global change, highlight current projects, and identify ideas and skills available/needed for new collaborations with other faculty!!
The day closed with a reception to provide faculty with the opportunity to socialize and reflect on the productive day.