The Interfaces of Global Change Interdisciplinary Graduate Education Program will begin its sixth year with a cohort of eleven new Ph.D. students! The new IGC Fellows hail from five departments across campus, including: Geosciences, Horticulture, the School of Public and International Affairs, Fisheries & Wildlife Conservation, and Biology.

Welcome aboard, Everyone!

  • General Item
    Camilo Alfonso
    Camilo Alfonso

    Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Behavioral endocrinology, ecophysiology, tropical ecology, ornithology

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    Dr. Kristen Bretz
    Dr. Kristen Bretz

    Assistant Director of Undergraduate Research, Virginia Tech | VT Alumni May 2023

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    Dr. Devin Hoffman
    Dr. Devin Hoffman

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University College London | VT Alumni May 2022

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    Dr. Korin Jones
    Dr. Korin Jones

    Stengl-Wyer Postdoctoral Scholar , University of Texas, Austin | VT Alumni July 2023

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    Dr. Ben Kligman
    Dr. Ben Kligman

    Peter Buck Postdoctoral Fellow, National Museum of Natural History | VT Alumni May 2023

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    Dr. Chloe Moore
    Dr. Chloe Moore

    Postdoctoral Fellow for the Arkansas Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, University of Arkansas | VT Alumni May 2023

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    Dr. Rebecca O’Brien
    Dr. Rebecca O’Brien

    Fish and Wildlife Conservation | VT Alumni July 2023

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    Dr. Alaina Weinheimer
    Dr. Alaina Weinheimer

    Postdoctoral Fellow, Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences | VT Alumni November 2022

Not pictured:  Henry Camarillo & Jennie Wagner