Candidates for Fish Ecology Faculty position to present seminars on campus
November 15, 2018

The Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation within the College of Natural Resources welcomes three candidates to campus in the coming weeks as part of the search to fill a new Fish Ecology Faculty position. Each will present a seminar during their visit, all of which have strong interdisciplinary research expertise in fisheries conservation and management. Seminar details and more information about the candidates available below.
Information from adaptation: using traits to conserve and manage fish and fisheries
Monday, November 26th
9:00 – 10:00 am in Fralin Hall Auditorium
Dr. Holly Kindsvater is an Assistant Research Professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology of Rutgers University.
She studies the connection between life histories of fishes and their vulnerability to overfishing, particular in sex-changing fishes like groupers. Her research goal is to predict the consequences of female-first sex change for population demography and productivity, and how this interacts with fishery selectivity. Dr. Kindsvater’s inquiry expands to understanding how life history complexity interacts with fishing in other species, including salmon, tunas, and sharks and rays.
Understanding the organism-environment interface in a changing world: a vision for the future of fisheries conservation and management at VT
Thursday, November 29th
9:00 – 10:00 am in Fralin Hall Auditorium
Dr. Andrij Horodysky is an Assistant Research Professor of aquatic ecology in the Department of Marine and Environmental Science of Hampton University.
Dr. Horodysky is a broadly-trained aquatic ecologist with research interests centered on the ecophysiology, behavior, and conservation of fishes and other living marine resources affected by anthropogenic activities in the world’s aquatic habitats. He uses comparative interdisciplinary approaches that integrate laboratory and field techniques with tools ranging in scale from microscopes to satellites.
(seminar title forthcoming)
Monday, December 3rd
9:00 – 10:00 am in Fralin Hall Auditorium
Dr. Francesco Ferretti is a Basic Life Science Research Associate with the Hopkins Marine Station at Stanford University.
Dr. Ferretti is a quantitative and computational marine ecologist specialized in research synthesis. His scientific work is on marine conservation, fishery sciences, population dynamics, and quantitative ecology with a special interest in sharks and rays. Dr. Ferretti combines ecology, statistical modeling, and computer science to approach questions on animal abundance and distribution, species interactions, large marine predators, top-down control, structure and functioning of large marine ecosystems.