“Flip-the-Fair” science fair event scheduled for Sat, Feb 5th!
February 1, 2022

A group of Interface of Global Change Fellows will hold an innovative “Flip the Fair” public outreach event as part of their IGC Capstone Project!
The Flip the Fair event, organized and facilitated by VT graduate students, and sponsored by the Center for Communicating Science, Global Change Center, Communicating Science Club, and the Roanoke City Public Libraries, will be held on February 5th from 1-3pm at the Melrose Branch Library in Roanoke, VA. This event is a science fair for VT graduate students to present their research on tri-fold posters, and be judged by 3rd-5th grade elementary students from the Roanoke area.
Calling All 3rd-5th Grade Judges!
Organizers are in the process of recruiting child judges from local Roanoke schools, and wanted to extend the invitation to all VT faculty and staff who have children within these grade levels. All child judges must be registered in advance (deadline January 19th). Please fill out the this form (and circle the time frame, 1-2pm or 2-3pm, that your child will be attending), and return the form to any of the Roanoke City public libraries or to the contact emails listed on the form.
**This is a mandatory-mask-wearing event, and all COVID safety guidelines will be followed to protect all presenters, volunteers, judges, and their families. There is no cost to register, but there is an expectation of having a lot of fun learning about scientific research at VT!
Questions about the event can be directed to IGC Fellow Amanda Hensley at amandaah@vt.edu.