The GCC & Multicultural Academic Opportunities Program collaborate to support diversity
November 2, 2021

November 2, 2021
The wicked socio-environmental challenges of our time such as climate change, water pollution and scarcity, and emerging infectious diseases disproportionately affect marginalized communities around the globe. These environmental injustices will only escalate in years to come without innovation and purposeful intervention. Recognizing this urgency, the Global Change Center (GCC) and Virginia Tech Multicultural Academic Opportunities Program (MAOP) started a new collaboration last year to provide interdisciplinary training to a diverse community of aspiring undergraduate scholars.
In its first year, the Global Change Scholars Program provided financial assistance to two undergraduate students who demonstrated a commitment to academics, research, and community stewardship. Undergraduate scholars supported by the program conduct research with GCC faculty affiliates and receive a renewable award of up to $1,500.
As part of the program, Global Change Scholars join the greater MAOP community, attend seminars and workshops designed to help students develop leadership skills, expand their appreciation for multiculturalism, and to achieve their academic goals. “This is an important partnership between MAOP and the Global Change Center because students are integrated into a community of like-minded scholars and are receiving support from both MAOP and the GCC,” said Taylor Swan, Assistant Director of MAOP. Swan adds, “we are lucky to have these students as a part of MAOP because they bring a unique perspective on research.”
“MAOP has been doing impactful work on the Virginia Tech campus for years, and we are thrilled to engage in this new partnership with them,” says William Hopkins, Director of the GCC. “By removing financial barriers that sometimes stand in the way, we are enabling students to explore the excitement of discovery and possible careers in research”.
Applications for 2022-2023 Scholars will open in Spring 2022. For additional information about the MAOP Undergraduate Scholars program, please visit the GCS Program website.