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IGC FELLOWS   |   Global Change Center

Ph.D. Fellows have joined our program from 14 countries and dozens of disciplines, and are currently solving problems on every continent.  


Meet our current Fellows below!

  • General Item
    Mona Abadian
    Mona Abadian

    Ph.D. Student | Sustainable Biomaterials | Circular Economy, sustainable transformation strategies, socio-economic systems

  • General Item
     Prashasti Agarwal
    Prashasti Agarwal

    Ph.D. Candidate | Plant and Environmental Sciences | Agroecology, sustainable agriculture, plant-microbe-soil interactions

  • General Item
    Meghan Albritton
    Meghan Albritton

    Ph.D. Student | Geography | Human and environmental health impacts of extractivism, health geography, global health, participatory mapping

  • General Item
    Camilo Alfonso
    Camilo Alfonso

    Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Behavioral endocrinology, ecophysiology, tropical ecology, ornithology

  • General Item
    Atif Ali
    Atif Ali

    Ph.D. Student | Sustainable Biomaterials | Circular economy, sustainable consumption & production, climate change, sustainable energy systems

  • General Item
    Nicholas Bone
    Nicholas Bone

    Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Trait adaptation, phylogenetic comparative methods, and macroevolutionary dynamics

  • General Item
    Gabriel Borba
    Gabriel Borba

    Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | The impacts of climate change, habitat loss and overfishing

  • General Item
    Reilly Brennan
    Reilly Brennan

    Ph.D. Student | Entomology | Landscape ecology, disease ecology

  • General Item
    Thomas Bustamante
    Thomas Bustamante

    Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Freshwater ecology, life history, animal behavior, response to anthropogenic habitat change

  • General Item
    Mariana Castaneda-Guzman
    Mariana Castaneda-Guzman

    Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Data analytics, remote sensing, ecological niche modeling, climate change, biodiversity conservation

  • General Item
    Jordan Coscia
    Jordan Coscia

    Ph.D. Candidate | Plant and Environmental Sciences | Grassland ecology, community ecology, ecological restoration, botany

  • General Item
    Priscila dos Reis Cunha
    Priscila dos Reis Cunha

    Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Socio-ecological systems, natural resource use, indigenous and traditional communities, biodiversity conservation

  • General Item
    Amanda Darling
    Amanda Darling

    Ph.D. Student | Civil & Environmental Engineering | Improving access to safe drinking water & sanitation for low resource settings, the intersection of environmental engineering & public health, rural drinking water systems

  • General Item
    Oluwaseyi Dasho
    Oluwaseyi Dasho

    Ph.D. Student | Geosciences | Coastal land subsidence; implication for infrastructure and relative sea level rise

  • General Item
    Stephanie Duston
    Stephanie Duston

    Ph.D. Student | Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation | Soil biogeochemistry; soil organic matter and microbe dynamics; distribution and partitioning of soil organic matter through plant and microbial function

  • General Item
    Taylor Fossett
    Taylor Fossett

    Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Behavioral ecology, behavioral neurobiology, neuroendocrinology, ecophysiology

  • General Item
    Caetano Franco
    Caetano Franco

    Ph.D. Student | Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation | Co-management and community-based management of natural resources; use of common resources; local populations; protected areas

  • General Item
    Megan Gaesser
    Megan Gaesser

    Ph.D. Student | Biological Sciences | Aquatic toxicology, biogeochemistry; ecosystem, restoration, and urban ecology; emerging contaminants of concern in freshwater systems

  • General Item
    Amir M. Gazar
    Amir M. Gazar

    Ph.D. Student | Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences | Public Health, Environmental Health and Policy Making, Decarbonization, Renewable Energy Systems, Artificial Intelligence

  • General Item
    Luke Goodman
    Luke Goodman

    Ph.D. Student | Planning, Governance, and Globalization | Policy innovations, responses, and processes for global challenges, including antimicrobial resistance and the renewable energy transition

  • General Item
    Megan Harris
    Megan Harris

    Ph.D. Student | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Systems of systems modeling, hydrology, software framework, uncertainty, system dynamics, interdependencies

  • General Item
    Amanda Hensley
    Amanda Hensley

    Ph.D. Student | Translational Biology, Medicine, & Health | Public health implementation science, immunology & infectious disease, health equity for diverse, under-engaged, & rural populations

  • General Item
    Katie Hoffman
    Katie Hoffman

    Ph.D. Student | Biological Sciences | Freshwater ecology, phytoplankton, science communication

  • General Item
    Kathleen Hohweiler
    Kathleen Hohweiler

    Ph.D. Student | Biological Systems Engineering | Drinking water quality, contaminants of emerging concern, private drinking water systems, public health

  • General Item
    Dexter Howard
    Dexter Howard

    Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Limnology, aquatic biogeochemistry, organic carbon cycling, drinking water quality

  • General Item
     Bailey Howell
    Bailey Howell

    Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Urban evolution, phylogenetic comparative methods, macroevolution, trait adaptation

  • General Item
    Emma Hultin
    Emma Hultin

    Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Freshwater ecosystems, population dynamics modeling

  • General Item
    Tori Hymel
    Tori Hymel

    Ph.D. Student | Urban Affairs and Planning | Human-wildlife conflict; conservation social science, anti-poaching; cross-cultural research

  • General Item
    Shariful Islam
    Shariful Islam

    Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Infectious disease at the wildlife-human interface

  • General Item
    Abir Jain
    Abir Jain

    Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Species interactions, seed dispersal, global change ecology, restoration, conservation, science communication

  • General Item
    Sarah Juster
    Sarah Juster

    Ph.D. Candidate | Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation | Agroforestry in refugee settings, social dimensions of tree-based interventions, participatory mapping

  • General Item
    Macy J. Kailing
    Macy J. Kailing

    Ph.D. Student | Biological Sciences | Infectious disease ecology, host-pathogen coevolution, wildlife and ecosystem health, heterogeneity in host susceptibility

  • General Item
    Carla López Lloreda
    Carla López Lloreda

    Ph.D. Student | Biological Sciences | Watershed biogeochemistry, greenhouse gasses, carbon cycling, disturbance impacts

  • General Item
    Pika M.
    Pika M.

    Ph.D. Student | Plant and Environmental Sciences | Restoration ecology, fire ecology, endangered species management

  • General Item
    Jay Margolis
    Jay Margolis

    Ph.D. Student | Biological Sciences | Evolutionary biology, behavior and coloration in birds, the evolution of sexual dimorphism and social signaling

  • General Item
    Zach Martin
    Zach Martin

    Ph.D. Candidate | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Stream habitat management, landscape ecology, reproductive biology of fishes, watershed modeling, spatial modeling

  • General Item
    Emily Matthews
    Emily Matthews

    Ph.D. Student | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Public health, Environmental health & policy making, environmental modeling, long-range impacts of environmental hazards & interventions

  • General Item
    Katie Mayer
    Katie Mayer

    Ph.D. Student | Biological Sciences | Aquatic toxicology, immunology, and ecology; effects of emerging contaminants of concern on freshwater ecosystems

  • General Item
    Casey McLaughlin
    Casey McLaughlin

    Ph.D. Student | Biological Sciences | Ecotoxicology, ecophysiology, neuroendocrinology, ornithology

  • General Item
    Zoie McMillian
    Zoie McMillian

    Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Conservation social science, illegal wildlife trade, herpetology, conservation biology

  • General Item
    Noah McNeill
    Noah McNeill

    Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Ornithology, animal behavior, ecology, conservation biology, anthropogenic land use

  • General Item
    Elaine Metz
    Elaine Metz

    Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Population ecology, landscape ecology, ornithology, conservation

  • General Item
    Megan Moran
    Megan Moran

    Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Wildlife conservation and management, spatial ecology, population genetics

  • General Item
    Leah Novak
    Leah Novak

    Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Impacts of habitat loss and climate change on avian species; the application of science to conservation, management, and public policy

  • General Item
    Idowu Kayode Okeshola
    Idowu Kayode Okeshola

    Ph.D. Student | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Fate and transport of contaminants in the environment, sensors for environmental contaminants, climate change, contaminated sites

  • General Item
    Grace O’Malley
    Grace O’Malley

    Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Bioacoustic monitoring, effects of climate change on freshwater organisms, applied conservation science

  • General Item
    Benedicta Ada Ottairoegbu
    Benedicta Ada Ottairoegbu

    Ph.D. Student | Biological Sciences | Plant adaptation to rapid environmental changes.

  • General Item
    Anu Rai
    Anu Rai

    Ph.D. Student | Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation | Community-based conservation focusing on underrepresented groups, sustainable conservation, human-nature/wildlife interaction, participatory approaches

  • General Item
    Reyhane Rastgoo
    Reyhane Rastgoo

    Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Quantitative and Qualitative Social Research, Conservation Social Science, Human-wildlife interactions, Human Dimensions of Wildlife

  • General Item
    Bridget Re
    Bridget Re

    Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Conservation biology, impact of habitat loss and climate change on endangered species, ornithology

  • General Item
     Sara Teemer Richards
    Sara Teemer Richards

    Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Disease ecology, behavioral ecology, and microbiology

  • General Item
    Becki Riddle
    Becki Riddle

    Ph.D. Student | Planning, Governance & Globalization | Water security, water policy and management, public education and engagement, science communication

  • General Item
    Gabrielle Ripa
    Gabrielle Ripa

    Ph.D. Student | Plant and Environmental Sciences | Wildlife habitat and management, anthropogenic impacts on native communities

  • General Item
    Sergio Sabat-Bonilla
    Sergio Sabat-Bonilla

    Ph.D. Student | Entomology | Aquatic macroinvertebrates responses to anthropogenic & environmental stressors, functional traits as predictors of environmental change

  • General Item
    Nitheshnirmal Sadhasivam
    Nitheshnirmal Sadhasivam

    Ph.D. Student | Geosciences | Groundwater resource monitoring using radar remote sensing, poromechanical modelling of groundwater, satellite gravimetry, subsidence monitoring, geohazards, groundwater level prediction.

  • General Item
    Carly Sear
    Carly Sear

    Ph.D. Student | Civil and Environmental Engineering | Drinking water quality, the intersection of environmental & public health, environmental justice, adapting to & mitigating challenges from climate change

  • General Item
    Brendan Shea
    Brendan Shea

    Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Marine ecology; predator-prey dynamics; ecological role of sharks and the ecosystem consequences of their removal

  • General Item
    Samuel Silknetter
    Samuel Silknetter

    Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Stream ecology and biodiversity, landscape genetics, traits-based approaches, species interactions

  • General Item
    Meredith Snyder
    Meredith Snyder

    Ph.D. Student | Biological Sciences | Microbial ecology, soil biogeochemistry, ecosystem science, pyrogenic carbon

  • General Item
    Mary Opeyemi Soetan
    Mary Opeyemi Soetan

    Ph.D. Student | Fish and Wildlife Conservation | Fisheries conservation and management, the impact of climate change on aquatic ecosystems

  • General Item
    Eliza Tarimo
    Eliza Tarimo

    Ph.D. Student | Biological Sciences | Macroevolution, physiological evolution, evolution of thermal adaptations

  • General Item
    Heather Wander
    Heather Wander

    Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Limnology, plankton dynamics, food web interactions, climate change, water quality

  • General Item
    Amber Wendler
    Amber Wendler

    Ph.D. Candidate | Biological Sciences | Behavioral ecology, conservation biology, and ornithology