4 new fellows join the IGC IGEP in winter 2020
February 1, 2020

The Interfaces of Global Change Interdisciplinary Graduate Education Program will begin its eighth year with a cohort of four new Ph.D. students! The new IGC Fellows hail from three departments across campus, including: Geosciences, Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation, and Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation.
Meet our newest fellows:
Junyao Kang
Working with Dr. Shuhai Xiao (Geosciences)
Research interests: Geochemistry and geobiology; Neoproterozoic paleoenvironment reconstruction, co-evolution of life and environment through deep time
Joshua Mouser
Working with Dr. Paul Angermeier (Fish and Wildlife Conservation)
Research interests: Stream ecology, landscape ecology, land-use change
General Item
Caleb O’Brien
Working with Dr. Marc Stern (Forest Resources and Environmental Conservation)
Research interests: Human dimensions of natural resources, climate change adaptation, science communication
Luciana Pereira
Working with Dr. Leandro Castello (Fish and Wildlife Conservation)
Research interests: Migration and population genetics of Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum in the Amazon