The GCC welcomes four new faculty affiliates in summer 2019
July 24, 2019

Dr. Sally Entrekin, Associate Professor, Department of Entomology
Research focus: macroinvertebrate population and community ecology and ecosystem function
Dr. Entrekin’s current research program addresses global change by working across disciplines that engage students and the public in water quality and quantity issues typically from development for urban centers, agriculture, and resource extraction

Dr. Gabriel Isaacman-VanWertz, Associate Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research interests: understanding the complex chemistry of the atmosphere in the context of anthropogenic and naturallydriven changes across environments
Dr. Isaacman-VanWertz’s research seeks to understand the fundamental processes that control the composition and transformations of air pollutants, as well as the short-term impacts of human emissions and long-term trends driven by anthropogenic changes to atmospheres and ecosystems.

Dr. Karen Kovaka, Assistant Professor, Philosophy
Recent work explores: biological debates about individuality and developmental plasticity and what they tell us about evolutionary theory, underdetermination, and scientific controversies
Current projects related to global change include: an investigation of the problem of unintended consequences of environmental conservation examining ethical and epistemic issues related to community science, in collaboration with the Galápagos Alliance

Dr. Linsey Marr, Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research interests: the emissions, transformation, transport, and fate of pollutants in indoor and outdoor air; the airborne transmission of viral pathogens and infectious disease
Dr. Marr collaborates broadly with others to understand how changes at the microscopic to global scale affect public and environmental health.